MNL48 Avenue

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MNL48初のスポーツフェスタ【MNL48 SPORTSFEST 2022】をマニラ首都圏パッシグ市のスポーツセンター〈The Upper deck Sports Center〉で開催。

メンバー30人が出演し、ABBY(アビー)率いる「TEAM IMMORTALS」と
SHEKI(シェキ)率いる「TEAM EMPERATRIS」の2チームに分かれてバスケットボールとバレーボールの試合で対戦し会場を盛り上げました。

ファンの熱い声援を力に変えて出演メンバー全員が最高のパフォーマンスを発揮!熱い戦いを繰り広げ、結果は2戦ともTEAM EMPERATRISの勝利。初のスポーツフェスタを大成功で終えることが出来ました。

MNL48's first sports festival [MNL48 SPORTSFEST 2022] was held at the Sports Center <The Upper deck Sports Center> in Pasig City, Metro Manila.
Many fans gathered at the venue with support goods of "favorite member".
Thirty members performed, and they were divided into two teams, "TEAM IMMORTALS" led by ABBY and "TEAM EMPERATRIS" led by SHEKI, and played basketball games and volleyball games to liven up the venue.
All cast members performed excellently cause turning the rousing cheers of fans into power!
They fought the hot battle and ended with great success.
The result was a win for TEAM EMPERATRIS in both races.

【試合結果/ game results】
<バレーボール/ Volleyball>

<バスケットボール/ Basketball>


初開催されたスポーツフェスタで優勝できたこと、まだ信じられません。チームメイトをとても誇りに思います。彼らのスキルはもちろん、常に団結出来たことに称賛を贈りたいと思います。勝利だけでなく、このイベントは私たちがより良い関係になるきっかけとなり、以前よりも仲を深めてくれました。本当に楽しかったです! 楽しんでくれているファンを見て、心が温かくなりました。これからもスポーツフェスタが続くことを願っています。愛しています。

Still can’t believe we won at the first ever sportsfest event! Im very proud of my teammates. Their skills are given but I want to commend them for being cooperative and initiative everytime. Aside from winning the games, this event taught us to become a better member and it made us closer than before.
It was really fun! It’s heartwarming to see our fans enjoying our chaos. I hope sportsfest event will continue in the coming years! All the love

★Captain Team Emperatris:SHEKI(シェキ)★



Our training was only for 3 days, the training was tiring but still fun because of the team members. I told the team Emperatris that we should just enjoy the game and not take it too seriously. It was the very first sports fest in MNL48 and I had a good time playing the game. I was able to show my sporty side to the fans and that makes me happy. Honestly, I didn’t expect to win the game, I just wanna play and enjoy it. I was given an award as an MVP and to be part of Mythical Five, I didn’t expect that, and until now I still can’t believe it. It’s an honor for me, thank you so much for appreciating my sporty side. I can say that this is one of the unforgettable moments in my life. To my team, we did great, and congratulations to us. To MNLOVES, thank you for coming and for your support. You guys always make us feel appreciated and you never fail us. I hope you all enjoyed the game.

★MVP Volleyball:LARA(ララ)★


MVPはチームプレイも重要だと思います。アシストしてくれたメンバーにも感謝します。私たちはみんながMVPよ!みんな、本当に大好きだよ。 また近いうちに、スポーツフェスタが開催されることを願っています。

I had a great experience because we rarely have an activity like this where we can showcase our skills in different sports. And also because I was able to see a different side of my MNL48 sisters when it comes to sports, teamwork, and being under pressure. To our MNLoves who never grew tired of cheering for us, a big thanks to you loves!First of all, I want to thank the Lord for giving me the strength to continue playing, even if I was injured that time. And for that really great spray that the medic gave me to ease the pain on my knees and I was able to play because of that. I really had a great time, but I believe being an MVP is not just about the points, but being a team player too. Being able to pass, assist and help my teammates perform and get points too.I would like to give credit and thank my teammates, team Emperatris. This is for us! We are all MVP here! I wouldn’t have made it if not for you guys.   All our hardworks and sacrifices been paid off!To team Immortals, all of you give your best shot. This is for us sisters!  We all won! I love you very much, everyone! Hoping to have another sportsfest again soon! Solid!

★MVP Basketball:MNL48 DANA(デイナ)★



I want to express our earnest gratitude to you for attending our sportsfest 2022 and showing us your lovely support. Thank you for being a part of our happiness!You have been extremely supportive and Your warm love touches us.Words are not enough to express my gratitude for all the kindness and support. Thank you very much for all that you have done. We missed you guys so much!We enjoyed every moments with you mnloves, thank you for playing with us. See you again!

★Captain Team Immortals:ABBY(アビー)★